Mission Vision

Our Mission

Loan Always Ready to Protect your Life & Business

Dhanagar Micro Care Foundation has set itself a mission to "identify and motivate poor women in a cost-effective way and deliver them micro finance services in an honest, timely and efficient manner.

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We are always Care about Client Satisfy
100+ Community Involvement
Our Vision

We are Committed to Help Clients to Reach The Goals

The vision of Dhanagar Micro Care Foundation is to help building a society that contains an opportunity to develop the minimal social-economic conditions needed to live a life of dignity.

  • Save Money
  • Fast Application
  • Flexible Loan
  • No Brokers, No Upselling
  • Investment Planning
  • Professional Advisor
Our Features

We Are A Trusted Company With Years Of Experience

We provide loans to individual as well as group members in the under developed regions of India for a range of income-generating activities.

Income Generating Loan

The Company offers loans for income-generating activities such as livestock, agriculture, trading and production businesses

Individual Lending

Under individual lending, loan officers bear principle responsibility for loan decisions; they screen, and monitor their clients

Utility Loans

From Open Energy Information. Loan programs provide financing for the purchase of renewable energy or energy efficiency systems or equipment.